Calculate your cost savings

Calculate the savings you can enjoy by incorporating MatchBox Exchange
to your business

Select country

Estimated savings per container

Time of a round trip from customer/depot to container park

Trucking rate per hour

Number of containers carried

Container park appointment fee for a drop-off or pick-up


Save $190

per container when Re-Using


Save $180

per container when Exchanging

Weekly estimated cost savings

How many containers per week do you plan to Re-Use?

How many containers per week do you plan to offer as an Exchange to another party rather than returning to a container park?

How many containers per week do you plan to accept as an Exchange from another party rather than collect from a container park?


Save $3,800

Weekly savings on Re-Uses


Save $3,600

Weekly savings on Exchanges

Total estimated savings

Save $7,400


Save $32,067


Save $384,804
